Dispatch 30 Costa Rica
May 30- June 25, 2007
Costa Rica is stunningly beautiful and somehow feels familiar to us. We arrived after an overnight glorious sail to an amazing bay in the very north part of the country, Bahia Santa Elena. We were traveling in the company of another boat and entered to find 3 other boats anchored in this otherwise deserted bay surrounded by National Park. The weather NW of us featured 2 tropical storms, one threatening to become the first hurricane of the season so, at least we believe, our weather reflected the nearby disturbances. For the first 2 days, rain fronts swept through the bay over the course of the day and everything stayed pretty soggy. But the bay was almost completely enclosed, flat as a lake, surrounded by lush green hills and then it struck us—yes, this seemed familiar because, other than the temperature, the weather and scenery reminded us of SE Alaska!
The other boats were good company and we had a potluck featuring some guitar and drum
After 5 days of fun and games we finally sailed around the corner to do our official check-in with a delightful beam reach across the famed Bay of Papagayo. Intense winds that come unpredictably start here and blow out for a couple hundred miles in the dry season—lucky for us (?) it is now the rainy season so we have substituted that discomfort for another. In fact, soon after our early morning departure, one of the black cells of storm that peppered our radar screen arrived over us and it began to rain so hard it was like a firehose had been opened right above the boat. Now, it seems logical that, if one person is down below when the deluge hits, that person would remain below and stay dry so only one person gets wet. My only question is, why is it always Richard that is down below when the rain hits? The day ended sunny and we anchored in Playa del Coco, jumped in our friends’ dinghy and headed in to start the paperwork cha cha that characterizes the arrival at each new country. Our first impression on arrival at the town was that this country is full of gringos. In fact, it took a while to finally see a Tico (Costa Rican as they call themselves) amongst the tourists. It is a marked change from our recent travel experiences!
Check-ins are always interesting and the most important ingredients are patience and a sense of humor. It has been impossible, in our experience, to be completely prepared for all that the officials require. That is because, also in our experience, each boater’s experience is different depending on which official they interact with. Whereas one day you need 2 copies of your passport, on another day, you might need 3 or only the captain’s passport. The best approach is to arrive with abundant copies of everything and time to waste. Meanwhile, be polite and solicitous, never demanding, and, at least so far, things have gone well. We did get asked for a drink from the Nicaraguan customs guy and were told he was hinting at wanting a tip from another boat but “luckily” our Spanish is not good enough to understand a subtle hint about a tip.
The scenery continues to be exquisite with dramatic seastacks and verdant hillsides to feast the eyes upon. Because the rain comes and goes we’ve had several rainbows to enjoy as well. We sailed around the Nicoya Peninsula and into the Golfo de Nicoya overnight. We’ve done so much overnight sailing in the past 2 years, the plan was never questioned until we set out. Then we remembered that the weather had more or less settled into its diurnal rainy season pattern. To whit, the day starts sparkling—blue sky, sunshine, heat, humidity. By 3 to 4 PM, the clouds have begun to build up and the skies turn gray. Thunder starts to be heard. Somewhere between 4 and 7 PM, rain starts and lasts for 1 to about 3 or 4 hours. Lightning is seen in earnest from all around, sometimes in continuous strobe light effect. Well, when we’ve been at anchor, we ride the storm out and it moves on—we’ve seen up to 35 knots of wind. But, when we were passaging overnight, things seemed much more ominous. The radar shows rain cells as big black blobs and gives us an idea of direction and size. In our overnight passage, the rain cells were all around us and morphed continuously until, inevitably, they ended up engulfing us with no escape. During these times, the wind would rise to the 20’s briefly, rain would wash the boat again like a firehose for up to a couple hours and lightning flashed continuously. Richard had a fatalistic attitude about the experience, but Betsy was lost in the scientific thought process does a solitary metal mast sticking up from a flat water surface attract lightning? Suffice to say, it was not the most relaxing overnight passage we have done. We arrived at a quiet anchorage early the next AM intact and dropped the hook near some friends’ boat to get some sleep.
One of our uncertainties these past few weeks is where to leave the boat while we return to the US for Betsy to work for another 3 months. We intended to leave it in Southern Costa Rica, but we heard from a lot of people about the intensely rainy climate there. Seattle, well known for its rain, gets 30-40 inches of rain a year. It just happens to fall lightly and fairly continuously for 9 months. In Ketchican, Alaska, they were perversely proud of the 200 inches of rain they get. In Northern Costa Rica, the rainfall is around 110 inches/year and in Southern Costa Rica, they boast 220 inches/year. Our concern is about mold and mildew in the boat when we leave it buttoned up for 4 months.
On a whim, we decided to head north in the Gulf of Nicoya to Puntarenas, a town not well thought of in the tourist or cruiser circuit. There, the
With that decision made, we left to enjoy our last week before putting the boat away. At the Curu wildlife refuge, we took the dinghy ashore and hiked the park. Perhaps taking the trail called “Killer” wasn’t the wisest idea (it was even translated into English on the signs) but it was good exercise—straight up and straight down. A land crab, startled by our passage started to scuttle out of the way, down the trail, sideways and
Costa Rica is beautiful, literally the “rich coast”. Spotted eagle rays glide along the surface of the water near us in the dinghy. We went to an island today of white birds—hundreds of them—a combination of cattle egrets, ibis, great egrets. There were a few black frigate birds and pelicans too, but mostly hundreds of white birds. The only thing that mars the beauty of the place is the abundant garbage on the beach, in the water and everywhere on the streets and sidewalks. That part is really sad. We look forward to seeing more of this beautiful country when we return in the fall. Meanwhile, we will spend a week putting the boat away then fly to Seattle in late June to work from July through September.